Interoperability with Other Simulation Software
The python programming language is great for hooking together software. We include interoperability with a few useful programs to help expand the types of workflows that can be done.
ASE Interoperability
The Atomic Simulation Environment provides access to a whole host of quantum chemistry codes. With this in mind, we provide a conversion routine to use ASE calculators with BigDFT systems. First we create a system.
from BigDFT.Systems import System
from BigDFT.Fragments import Fragment
from BigDFT.IO import XYZReader
from copy import deepcopy
sys = System()
reader = XYZReader("H2O")
sys["FRA:1"] = Fragment(xyzfile=reader)
sys["FRA:2"] = deepcopy(sys["FRA:1"])
sys["FRA:2"].translate([-5, 0, 0])
from BigDFT.Visualization import InlineVisualizer
viz = InlineVisualizer(300,200)
You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol
For quick usage, you can directly compute the energy using an ASE calculator.
from ase.calculators.lj import LennardJones
from BigDFT.Interop.ASEInterop import ase_potential_energy
print(ase_potential_energy(sys, LennardJones()))
You can also do a conversion from BigDFT system to ase Atoms so that you can use the full feature set.
from BigDFT.Interop.ASEInterop import bigdft_to_ase
from ase.optimize import BFGS
from ase.units import Hartree
asys = bigdft_to_ase(sys)
dyn = BFGS(asys)
print(asys.get_potential_energy() / Hartree)
Step Time Energy fmax
BFGS: 0 16:39:50 5.519576 63.2394
BFGS: 1 16:39:50 -3.328517 3.4001
BFGS: 2 16:39:51 -3.486488 3.3784
BFGS: 3 16:39:51 7.593611 73.1586
BFGS: 4 16:39:51 -3.619863 3.3175
BFGS: 5 16:39:51 -3.743778 3.2154
BFGS: 6 16:39:51 13.439315 101.9495
BFGS: 7 16:39:51 -3.832216 3.1079
BFGS: 8 16:39:51 -3.913092 2.9772
BFGS: 9 16:39:51 3.594851 53.0443
BFGS: 10 16:39:51 -4.035308 2.7009
BFGS: 11 16:39:51 -4.131903 2.3812
BFGS: 12 16:39:51 -4.003748 6.5132
BFGS: 13 16:39:51 -4.331593 1.2274
BFGS: 14 16:39:51 -4.368607 0.7048
BFGS: 15 16:39:51 -4.376254 0.5923
BFGS: 16 16:39:51 -4.378013 0.5395
BFGS: 17 16:39:51 -4.433053 1.0824
BFGS: 18 16:39:51 -4.494141 2.3585
BFGS: 19 16:39:51 -4.582936 2.5871
BFGS: 20 16:39:51 -5.605277 4.6461
BFGS: 21 16:39:51 -6.503090 11.9466
BFGS: 22 16:39:51 -7.142740 4.0510
BFGS: 23 16:39:51 -7.259370 1.4045
BFGS: 24 16:39:51 -6.757661 13.9342
BFGS: 25 16:39:51 -7.273352 0.3175
BFGS: 26 16:39:51 -7.276004 0.2512
BFGS: 27 16:39:51 -7.290056 0.9272
BFGS: 28 16:39:51 -7.303244 1.4889
BFGS: 29 16:39:51 -7.410491 8.4789
BFGS: 30 16:39:51 -7.594891 17.8866
BFGS: 31 16:39:51 -8.397100 11.5873
BFGS: 32 16:39:51 -8.176955 12.0822
BFGS: 33 16:39:51 -8.592177 9.8269
BFGS: 34 16:39:51 0.193381 98.9857
BFGS: 35 16:39:51 -9.043408 3.4415
BFGS: 36 16:39:51 -9.209634 3.3122
BFGS: 37 16:39:51 -9.484276 7.1137
BFGS: 38 16:39:51 -9.750573 3.4700
BFGS: 39 16:39:51 -10.067842 3.2004
BFGS: 40 16:39:51 -8.983807 17.1815
BFGS: 41 16:39:51 -10.217631 2.6489
BFGS: 42 16:39:51 -10.295618 2.0651
BFGS: 43 16:39:51 -10.348935 1.5299
BFGS: 44 16:39:51 -10.374641 0.3840
BFGS: 45 16:39:51 -10.376613 0.1025
BFGS: 46 16:39:51 -10.376714 0.0579
BFGS: 47 16:39:51 -10.376721 0.0416
Just take care to convert back. Unfortunately, ASE has no concept of a named collection of fragments, so we can only automatically convert back to a fragment. You need to take care to rematch the fragments.
from BigDFT.Interop.ASEInterop import ase_to_bigdft
from BigDFT.Fragments import distance
frag = ase_to_bigdft(asys)
sys2 = System()
sys2["FRA:1"] = frag[0:3]
sys2["FRA:2"] = frag[3:]
print(distance(sys2["FRA:1"], sys2["FRA:2"]))
viz = InlineVisualizer(300,200)
You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol
ASE also offers all kinds of high level operations such as geometry optimization. You might want to use that to drive a BigDFT calculation. This can be done with our BigASECalculator. First, create your standard system calculator and input file.
from BigDFT.Inputfiles import Inputfile
from BigDFT.Calculators import SystemCalculator
inp = Inputfile()
code = SystemCalculator()
Initialize a Calculator with OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 and command mpirun -np 2 /Users/wddawson/Documents/CEA/binaries/bds/install/bin/bigdft
Now bundle them into a BigASECalculator.
from BigDFT.Interop.ASEInterop import BigASECalculator
ase_code = BigASECalculator(inp, code)
print(ase_potential_energy(sys, ase_code))
Creating the yaml input file "./input.yaml"
Executing command: mpirun -np 2 /Users/wddawson/Documents/CEA/binaries/bds/install/bin/bigdft
Open Babel
Open babel offers a huge variety of features for cheminformatics. For example, we can compute the smiles representation of our system.
from BigDFT.Interop.BabelInterop import compute_smiles
Or use openbabel’s forcefields to compute the energy of a system.
from BigDFT.Interop.BabelInterop import system_energy
print(system_energy(sys, forcefield="UFF"))
Or even optimize the geometry.
from BigDFT.Interop.BabelInterop import optimize_system
sys2 = optimize_system(sys, forcefield="uff")
viz = InlineVisualizer(300,200)
You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol
Direct conversion routines are available so that you can access the full feature set.
from BigDFT.Interop.BabelInterop import convert_system_to_babel
bsys = convert_system_to_babel(sys)
XTB Interoperabilty
XTB is a program for performing semi-empirical calculations of systems. It has a rich feature set, so we have added an API that makes it similar to running BigDFT. First create a calculator.
from BigDFT.Interop.XTBInterop import XTBCalculator
code = XTBCalculator(skip=True)
Initialize a Calculator with OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 and command xtb
Running a calculation will return a logfile.
log =, name="xtb-run")
Executing command: echo "skip"
XTB has two ways of adding options to your simulation. Unfortunately, some features are activated via the command line, and others via the input file. For example, let’s try running some molecular dynamics of our system.
inp = {}
inp["md"] = {"temp": 300, "time": 2, "step": 1}
logmd =, name="omd", md=True, inp=inp)
Executing command: echo "skip"
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,1)
axs2 = axs.twinx()
axs.plot(logmd.md_energy, 'kx--')
axs2.plot(logmd.md_fnorm, 'r.--')
Text(0.5, 0, 'Time')
You will notice that to specify things like the temperature and number of steps, we had to use an input dictionary. This will be written in a straightforward way to XTB’s input file.
with open("omd.tmol") as ifile:
for line in ifile:
print(line, end="")
0.0 0.0 0.22166487441148175 o
0.0 1.4309006215206648 -0.886659497645927 h
0.0 -1.4309006215206648 -0.886659497645927 h
-5.0 0.0 0.22166487441148175 o
-5.0 1.4309006215206648 -0.886659497645927 h
-5.0 -1.4309006215206648 -0.886659497645927 h
However, to trigger an MD run, we had to pass the “omd” option to the run command. This is because it corresponds to a command line parameter. By carefully reading the XTB documentation, you should be able to access all of its features.
PSI4 Interoperability
PSI4 is an ab initio quantum chemistry program. Beyond standard Hartree-Fock and DFT calculations, it can do a lot of post Hartree-Fock methods. One of its unique capabilities is efficient calculation of symmetry adapted perturbation theory to quantify inter-molecular forces.
PSI4 is in-fact a python based package, so you could do the interoperability yourself. We provide a procedure which can convert to a PSI4 type:
from BigDFT.Interop.PSI4Interop import bigdft_to_psi4
<psi4.core.Molecule object at 0x7ffb8dedc110>
We also provide a calculator to handle conversion automatically and extract quantities into a logfile. This calculator works like other calculators. You just have to specify the system, the basis set, the ab initio method, the action to take (energy, optimize, frequency), and any other options for psi4.
from BigDFT.Interop.PSI4Interop import PSI4Calculator
code = PSI4Calculator()
log =, action="energy", basis="jun-cc-pvdz",
psi4_options={"scf_type": "direct"}, method="scf", name="psi4-run")
The logfile is basically just a dictionary, so you can inspect it to see what values were extracted (which depend on the action and possibly the method). You can also parse the output of psi4 yourself by accessing the line split internal logfile.
{'energy': {'total': -152.0602609128111}}
=> Loading Basis Set <=
Keyword: BASIS
To do an SAPT calculation, just specify the method as one of the available SAPT methods. Additionally, you need to pass a system which has exactly two fragments in it.
log =, action="energy", basis="jun-cc-pvdz", method="sapt0", name="psi4-sapt-run")
{'energy': {'sapt0': {'electrostatics': 0.00348873311, 'exchange': 0.012796787950000001, 'induction': -0.00118507077, 'dispersion': -0.00151177894, 'total': 0.01510045029}, 'sSAPT0': {'electrostatics': 0.00348873311, 'exchange': 0.012796787950000001, 'induction': -0.00109741424, 'dispersion': -0.00149617961, 'total': 0.0136919272}}}
It is also possible to do geometry optimization.
log =, action="optimize", basis="6-31g",
method="scf", name="psi4-sapt-opt")
Optimizer: Optimization complete!
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,1)
axs2 = axs.twinx()
axs.plot(log["energy"]["optimize"], 'kx--')
axs2.plot(log["max force"], 'r.--')
axs.set_ylabel("Energy", fontsize=12)
axs2.set_ylabel("Force", fontsize=12)
axs.set_xlabel("Step", fontsize=12)
Text(0.5, 0, 'Step')